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on its feetの例文


  • we need to take the research and get it on its feet .
    調査して 実現するんだ
  • not as powerful for now , but quicker on its feet .
    まだあんまり強力じゃないけど すぐに自立するさ
  • i was kneeling long after the congregation was on its feet
    集会が引けたあと 長いこと膝まずき
  • all right , i'm sure you can flip a leather on its feet .
    でも 話してる事は それより遥かに複雑だ
  • fenway park is on its feet for teddy fucking ballgame !
    フェンウェイパークは テディの活躍で大騒ぎだぜ!
  • just get a ... a draft on its feet and give it to sean eckhart .
    草稿ができたら ショーンに渡して
  • i was thinking maybe get that place back on its feet .
    考えていたんだ・・ あそこをもう一度 立て直せないかって
  • so let's see what we can do to get japan back on its feet .
    従って、日本を再建するために 何が出来るか模索しましょう
  • i'm gonna get the gallery on its feet .
  • fenway park is on its feet for teddy fucking ballgame !
    フェンウェイパーク(レッドソックスの本拠地)は テディの活躍で大騒ぎだぜ!
  • there are soot marks on its feet ...
  • and eyeballs on its feet , and a pointy little head . it asked me for a sign .
    足に目があり 頭は小さくとんがっていた
  • he's gonna get this community , he's gonna get this state , back on its feet to where it belongs .
    彼がこの地域を 動かすだろう 本来の姿に戻すんだ
  • and what we're going to do is send a rescue unit ... to tend to the stalled harvester and get the base back on its feet .
    "救出ユニットを送る" "停止した採掘機を修理し 基地を復旧させる"